How To Add Half An Inch To Your Forearms In Less Than 2 Months

Forearms Before Nucleus Overload Vs. Forearms After Nucleus Overload

Many videos, articles and posts on the internet have a lot of advice on getting bigger forearms fast. But they often leave out the most important parts: how big your forearms would get and how fast your results would show if you followed their advice. 

They waste time with their "scientific analysis", breaking down each part of the forearm and explaining the function of each muscle fibre, or they list a bunch of forearm exercises and briefly explain their features/function without telling you how those exercises would benefit you, or they'll do something even worse! They'll tell you that you must be born with wide wrists to get bigger forearms and that your forearm's size ultimately depends on genetics, which is entirely untrue (watch Natural Hypertrophy's response to the linked article). The reason why your forearms aren't growing is not that you have poor forearm genetics. I believed that lie, and it cost me the time I could have spent improving my forearms.

So, let me tell you how I added half an inch to my forearms in less than 2 months and how you can do that too. But first, let me show you that I'm not just blowing smoke.

As you can see, my forearms measured 11.5 inches. I measured my forearm and noted it down on September 2 2022, so the last time the note was edited was on September 2 (circled in red). 

My forearms are 12 inches now. Here's a recent picture of my left forearm's measurement.

This is precisely 2 months + 1 day from the last time I measured my forearms, but they had become bigger way earlier. Following a simple training method, I started noticing changes after 5 or 6 weeks. 

However, at that time, me being lazy, I didn't bother taking measurements immediately. But later, since I noticed a sudden increase in my forearm's strength, I became curious to find out its size, so I finally took the time to measure it. When I objectively knew how much I had gained in such a short period, I felt I had to share this discovery with the world. 

If you think adding half an inch to your forearms in less than 2 months (or even 2 months, for that matter) isn't a lot, then I'd say you're wrong. The truth is, forearms are hard to grow. They're slow-twitch dominant, requiring more volume. More volume means you need to put more effort into training it (no wonder it's one of the most neglected body parts).

One of the excuses I often used for neglecting my forearms, other than my "poor" genetics, was that they were being trained indirectly. While the forearm is worked indirectly through lifts such as deadlifts and rows, it is not enough. As you progress and add more weight, your grip - which has not caught up to the load your primary muscle group can handle - limits you from lifting heavier. As a result, you're forced to use straps because the forearm is not the priority when you perform a lift that, let's say, involves more of your back. 

I also don't like spending more than an hour in the gym, and adding additional forearm exercises to my routine only made my workout last longer. I was also more likely to skip those exercises since I performed them near the end of my routine. Had I kept those exercises somewhere at the beginning of my routine, my forearms wouldn't be fresh (or nearly as fresh) for other exercises which required forearm involvement. 

So, I had to find a way to get the volume up for my forearms and, at the same time, not waste too much time at the gym doing exercises to isolate my forearms. 

And lo and behold, while thinking of how I could grow my forearms fast and scrolling through my YouTube subscriptions feed, I found the video titled "This Will Make You A HORSE" from Eric Bugenhagen's channel. I watched the video, took Eric's advice to heart, and began doing pull-ups daily with a towel wrapped around the pull-up bar's handle to increase its thickness. As Eric mentions in the video, you don't need to do pull-ups to failure. All you need to do is a few reps with some sort of grip as frequently as you can in a day, every day, till you start noticing gains. This isn't a new or foreign concept. In fact, many of you might even know this way of training as nucleus overload training.

And... That's it! That's all it took to make my forearms big and strong. This is the only method I found to be the fastest and most convenient way that made my forearms big and strong. 


If you want to add half an inch to your forearms in less than a few months, follow Eric Bugenhagen's advice from his video "This Will Make You A HORSE". It works. I tried it and showed you the results. The rest is up to you.

If you have something to add or thoughts to share, comment down below 👇 and if you found the article helpful don’t forget to share it ✅.


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