How To Add Half An Inch To Your Forearms In Less Than 2 Months
Many videos, articles and posts on the internet have a lot of advice on getting bigger forearms fast. But they often leave out the most important parts: how big your forearms would get and how fast your results would show if you followed their advice. They waste time with their "scientific analysis", breaking down each part of the forearm and explaining the function of each muscle fibre, or they list a bunch of forearm exercises and briefly explain their features/function without telling you how those exercises would benefit you, or they'll do something even worse! They'll tell you that you must be born with wide wrists to get bigger forearms and that your forearm's size ultimately depends on genetics , which is entirely untrue ( watch Natural Hypertrophy's response to the linked article ). The reason why your forearms aren't growing is not that you have poor forearm genetics. I believed that lie, and it cost me the time I could have spent improving my...