
How To Add Half An Inch To Your Forearms In Less Than 2 Months

Many videos, articles and posts on the internet have a lot of advice on getting bigger forearms fast. But they often leave out the most important parts: how big your forearms would get and how fast your results would show if you followed their advice.  They waste time with their "scientific analysis", breaking down each part of the forearm and explaining the function of each muscle fibre, or they list a bunch of forearm exercises and briefly explain their features/function without telling you how those exercises would benefit you, or  they'll do something even worse! They'll tell you that you must be born with wide wrists to get bigger forearms and that your forearm's size ultimately depends on genetics , which  is entirely untrue ( watch Natural Hypertrophy's response to the linked article ). The reason why your forearms aren't growing is not that you have poor forearm genetics. I believed that lie, and it cost me the time I could have spent improving my...

Simple Solution For Beginners Struggling To Get A Bigger Chest

I have always desired a massive chest like the athletes I admire. However, my chest muscles are the hardest to grow, followed by my forearms and calves. I'm not blessed with good chest genetics, but I have definitely made significant chest gains over the 3 years of my lifting journey. So, I'm writing this article for beginners who lose hope due to the lack of growth in their chests. If you have just started lifting, this does not apply to you, as you still have time to see any significant progress. But if you have trained for at least a year or two and still don't see any development in your chest area, this article might be what you need.   When all else fails, try compounds Is the advice of Arnold's mentor and multi-Mr. Universe, Reg Park. When I came across this quote for the first time on my Instagram explore, I knew this could make a fun steroid joke for a YouTube or Instagram comment. That aside, Mr Park's advice is a timeless gem in an era where information...

How To Go From A Pigging Pig To A Muscular Menace

  My previous blog post sounded preachy. I said a lot of stuff without showing my own results. Today, I'll prove my credentials by presenting what I have achieved throughout the six years of my fitness journey.  2016 was the year when I began taking my health a bit seriously. Back then, I was focused only on reducing weight and didn't care about my overall health or well-being. However, what caused me to make up my mind to lose weight was a scary experience I had one night. I had a dream where I couldn't breathe, no matter how hard I tried. It felt like I would die. The fear of dying woke me up, gasping for air. I immediately realised that my air passage was getting blocked somehow when I was asleep. Though I didn't know what I was experiencing was called sleep apnea, I knew I was experiencing this likely because I was obese. This was evident to me because I was pretty athletic when I was a kid and never had such an incident happen. 12-year-old me I only started getting...

How To Overcome The Mental Struggle Of Losing Fat

Before I began drafting this article, I was thinking hard about what I should write since this would be the very first article on my fitness blog. There are already plenty of guides, articles, and videos on losing fat, so I decided to write about something rarely discussed in the fitness community - the mental struggle to lose fat. When I started out on my fat loss journey, it was a mental struggle every day. However, don't let that turn you off because once you get used to it, it isn't a drag. Trying to lose fat takes a toll on your mind because you're changing your eating habits and restricting the foods you love to consume. Ironically, your own body starts fighting against you in your effort to improve its health. It's a fight where you are your enemy. Sometimes it feels hopeless, and you want to give up when you don't see the expected results. Well, you don't have to worry if you feel this way because I'm here to give you some helpful tidbits. Yeah, you ...